Bryan K Watson May 31 at 11:07am Reply St Ann Catholic Church Bartlett Tn
We have been asked to help feed some victims of the flood. We have around 6 brother Knights that have volunteered to could and deliver enough food to feed 50 tonight and tomorrow night. I am sending out a paypal link to see if any of you would help with the food expenses. Its a open donation button so anything you can do will help.
Below are more details on what is going on. God Bless you and God Bless our Troops.
THANKS TO YOU ALL for electing to step up for this project. More rooms for your mansions!
Here's the skinny:
WHO: We are feeding approximately 50 people, folks being sheltered from the floods on May 1 and shelter staff, for three meals.
WHAT: WE are feeding Dinner on Monday, May 31 (Zaleski et. Al.), Tuesday Lunch (Jones/Lovato), and Tuesday Dinner (Zaleski et. al.)
WHEN: Lunch is to be delivered in tome to serve at 12:00 pm. Dinner should be delivered to serve at 6:00 pm
WHERE: Ed Rice-Frayser Community Center2907 North Watkins Street, Memphis, TN 38127-8144 (here's a map from St. Ann: Http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=6529+Stage+Road%2C+Bartlett%2C+TN+38135&daddr=2907+North+Watkins+Street%2C+Memphis%2C+TN+38127-8144&hl=en&geocode=%3BFZwuGQIdYKWi-iEeQS9ThuiKyCmNHlW7_H_VhzEziE3So0ST4g&gl=us&mra=ls&sll=35.204764%2C-90.004128&sspn=0.007837%2C0.019205&ie=UTF8&z=12
Should take about 18 minutes to get there from the Church. Food goes to the south door, with all the signs.
* The shelter manager's phone number is (571) 205-3323; the current day manager is a guy named Keith Monson, but whoever is in charge will be carrying that phone.
* I would recommend checking in with the person in charge before finalizing your numbers for the meal.
* They don't need paper products, utensils, drinks or anything. They only need the food (they even have serving utensils).
* If you need to deliver the food in containers you need to get back, please let the site manager know that; he or she will sequester your dishes to be returned to you. It would be best to deliver stuff in stuff that can be thrown away.
* Any problems, you guys know to call me. If you need delivery assistance, Ann Marie and I can do that.
Again, thank you all for agreeing to help over a holiday weekend, and on such short notice. Any questions, please let me know. God bless you all.
-- Chip Jones Permanent Deacon St. Ann Catholic Church Bartlett, TN (901