That we have absolutely more than sufficient degrees,depths, intensities,
pervasiveness, quality, quantities of: the supernatural virtues,
purity,chastity,the spiritual and corporal works of mercy and the beatitudes
so as to absolutely assure with an iron clad God's guarantee that every
fiber and cell of our prayers are fully, completely, permanently realized -
for so many souls, for so many prayers for healings and growth in sanctity,
sightedness, life long ever deepening, genuine, sincerest: [life long + ever
deepeningly more thorough, pervasive, intensive [conversions, metanoia, gut
wrenching repentance and penintential and sacrificial living, ever deepening
perfect life long contrition, weepings,wailings, lamentations, sorrows (ever
deepening more intensive and thorough, pervasive, heart and gut wrenching
sorrow for our sinfulness and sin in general and how it really hurts God and
lets Him down], healings of every fiber and cell of [spiritual blindness,
absolute life long renewal of minds and circumcision of hearts, hearts
transformed to hearts of complete flesh and into a truly burning furnace of
love for the crucified Christ and Mary and for their fellow man (especially
towards the poor,impoverished,sickly,elderly,dying, the moderately to
severely vulnerable, enemies etc), healings & cleansings of every fiber and
cell of: scorched, scarred, seared, burnt, broken, damaged: [consciences,
minds, memories, emotions, psychological, mental, physiological, spiritual
problems etc] complete and permanent renewal of minds and awesome God
infused, inspired, continuously guided, directed,shapped, formed, with His
awesome infinite vast oceans of wisdom help and assistance being constantly
poured out to powerfully push and unrelentlessly advance a number of
technologies to improve the lot of mankind: such as perfectly, pristinely,
fully green and clean magnificent advances:[a)with not a fiber nor cell of
harmful by product, used fuel, emissions] b) in miniaturization, c) and
perfectly light weight as needed by function, d) with perfect, pristine
reliability and durability, e) with not a fiber nor cell of harmful, nor
caustic: spent fuel, residue, used fuel f) metals or alloys etc capable of
easily handling any temperatures -no matter how high, and any range of
temperatures - no matters how wide nor how radical + also extremely light
weight and pristinely structurely sound, strong and fully capable for a
lifetime of use: in the nuclear fussion, fission, matter and antimatter,
gravity and antigravity and hydrogen engines; f) unrelentless growth in less
and less costly yet perfectly clean, green and renewable energy sources for
all aircraft [and spacecraft], also especially for all the various aspects
of the business and industry communities and consumer needs; the ability on
massive scales to perfectly extract hydrogen from our oceans on an ever
increasingly more and more pristinely effective, efficient manner, driving,
propelling :less and less costly production and ever increasing efficiencies
- in all of these areas; the ability to fully and completely desalinate and
thoroughly, effectively purify drinking water from our oceans as well as
from even the most polluted streams, rivers, lakes etc that will ever exist
- all of these technologies being driven, continuously divinely guided,
directed, shaped, formed, over flowingly, overly saturated and continuously
infused with light and wisdom: right from research thru development to
ultimate end usage [application] at an ever increasingly more and more cost
effective and cost efficient rate; also in - adult stem cell research and
application and wondrously, magnificently awesome developments and progress
-that in no way, shape, or form harms embryos - nor attempts to create human
life - - but rather finds ever more increasingly effective ways to avoid
putting any life in danger - please place road block, after road block,
after road block in anything associated with embryonic stem cell research,
development, applications etc and anything involving science getting
involved with creating human life: now and throughout eternity. That the
entire scientific community soars in its both collective and individual
openness, receptiveness, sensitivity, cooperation, awareness of both the
reality of God, His presence among us in the Holy Spirit, the critically
fundamental importance of cooperating fully in research, in development in
testing etc with His fundamental laws, wisdom, guidance, directions provided
by the Church.
This very same intensity, depth, pervasiveness, quality, permanency of
growth in: ever increasingly warmer heart,mind,soul, spirit; truly, truly
radiating -like 999 quadrillion sunlights of intense life giving,
enhancening, enrichening, enlivening [light, warmth, resurrecting and
healing heat of God's love] and serving as a conduit, a viaduct, truly a
powerfully effective channel for God's infinite vast oceans of combined
heroic and supernatural + divine: love, mercies, forgiveness, kindness,
sensitivity, understanding, awareness, patience, empathy, compassion,
gentleness, tenderness, healing and resurrecting loving mercy etc + I call
upon all of the SFO's from the very beg. Of the order thru the end of time
plus all of the Holy Souls in Purgatory + all of the saints and angels [whom
I regularly entreat] to continuously, unceasingly, unrelentlessly:
intervene, intercede, guide, direct, help, assist, instruct, edify, nurture,
demonstrate, equip and empower me [truly walk with me fully throughout the
entire process - repeatedly] to know how to forgive everyone, anyone and all
who have hurt, harmed me in any way, all those who have let me down,
disappointed me, all those who have failed to live up to my expectations, or
[failed to come thru with [and / or came into conflict with me over - what
I felt and firmly believed were my rights, and / or my entitlements]+ please
draw me and walk me continuously, unceasingly - thru the entire and
complete, permanent process of extending and living unconditional loving
forgiveness -no excusses, no exceptions -unceasingly etc.
Thanks so very much for any community prayer support possible;