Friday, June 18, 2010

Dear Lord Jesus through the Merits of Your Most Precious Blood I plead and beg the following intentions:

1. Though the merits of Your Most Precious Blood, I request you to kindly clear all my difficulties in the issuance of my passport I ask and plead of You to pour out Your Most Precious Blood on all the concerned persons responsible for issuing me the passport. Please help me on an URGENT basis Dear Lord. Thank You and Praise You Holy Trinity.

2. Dear Lord, through the Merits of Your Holy Wounds, I plead and beg of You to release Sumit G and Milan W from all bondages, curses, evil forces, witchcraft, and anything that is holding them in settling down with a good job. Release their joblessness and the sufferings that they are undergoing due to this situation. I plead, beg and pray for the that Milan may be employed at Professional. I also plead and beg You Dear Lord through Your Most Precious Blood to grant Sumit a good job at JSA or any other firm as per Your plan. Please may both of them be employed on URGENT basis.

Praise & Thank You Dear Lord Jesus, Praise & Thank You Holy Trinity.

Thank you dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus for your prayers.



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