Greetings:Would you please place the following prayer requests in with your regular community prayers. I truly believe that such prayers can and do move mountains. There are mountains begging to be moved here.For infinite vast oceans of unrelenting, unceasing, ever deepeningly more: thorough, pervasive, intensive, complete, permanent growth in C.: truly, truly becoming and remaining forever: growing ever more increasingly, unceasingly, unrelentlessly and ever more solidly and substantia
Would you please, please, please pray and place the following in with your community prayers so that these might have the benefit of an entire community's prayer support - this is how mountains are moved. Please consider placing the following in with your regular community prayer time. 1) for infinite vast oceans, upon infinite vast oceans of ever increasingly more deep, pervasive, thorough, intensive, unrelenting, complete and permanent growth in:a) our attractions, longings, desires, hung
Chuck and Sally
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