Dear all,
The Hospital yesterday confirmed that Gaurav has a very rare complication of Measles (which he had at age 2 yrs), this is a delayed viral infection called SSPE ( subacute sclerosing Pan Encephalitis) . The doctors think he is in stage 2 of this condition and are not at all optimistic about the prognosis. They think that inspite of the anti viral treatment most patients live between 6-12 months. The Senior Lady Neurologist here at the Sickkids Hospital in Toronto said the best she has seen till now is 2 years survival. Param and I believe in Miracles and would like to believe that Gaurav will come out of this completely.
Today he is undergoing a surgery to install a small reservoir under his scalp to facilitate direct instillation of antiviral medication into his brain.
We would like to seek your help in the following ways:
1.Prayers for Gaurav to get the best possible treatment
and recover completely.
2. Let your family and friends send their prayers too.
3. Let us know about any one who has recovered from this condition.
4. Tell us if you know of any conventional/unconventional treatment process that may help.
5. Let us know of any special prayers etc that may help.
We feel blessed to have you in our life.
Thanks and God bless you.
Param & Asim
Best Wishes
Dr Asim Ghoshal
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