Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I am hoping that perhaps your organization would be kind enough to place the
following prayer intentions in with your community prayer time. For I
firmly believe that community prayer can and does move many mountains.
Also I know fully of my own limitations to handle the depth of these prayers
on my own:

Please pray for infinite vast oceans, upon infinite vast oceans of
unrelenting, unceasing, incessant, ever deepeningly more thorough,
pervassive, complete, permanent healings, eradications of, truly permanently
strengthening of all areas so that there is basically zero chance of
reinjury ever occuring: a) very, very severe pain at the bottom and inside
of my right foot- have no idea what happened - unable to do my regular
rigorous swimming routine that is necessary for me to successfully address
and live with all of my orthopaedic problems; b) rotatorcuff injuries; c)
tendonitis and propensities towards tendonitis in both my elbows - making
rigorous swimming most painful and enormously difficult - again as
prescribed by my orthpaidic doctor the rigorous swimming is most necessary
in order that I might continue successfully functioning both on my daily job
and household duties; d) serious knee injuries - necessitating grueling
regular/ daily tensioning, isometric, isotonic exercizes in order to keep
the knee in its socket and also to enable me to be able to pursue rigorous
swimming [for both cardiovascular and muscle tone - so that I might continue
successfully functioning in my daily job at work and to also enable me to
handle all household duties and responsibilities.

Whatever God feels is important for me to simply embrace, simply to whole
heartedly and single mindedly accept, embrace, and to carry then I plead for
infinite vast oceans upon infinite vast oceans of: combined heroic and
supernatural infinite vast oceans of inexhaustible, boundless: perseverance,
steadfastness, stamina, energy, zest, zeal, vigor, vitality, enthusiasm,
exuberance, perfect and pristine [joy, joyfulness, joyousness,
joyfilledness, inner and interior peace and quietude], truly wedding
[permanently joining] my crosses that God sees important to visit upon me -
to the very depth of His passion, sorrows, sufferings, death -without not a
fiber nor cell of: anger, wrath, rage, bitterness, spitefulness, self-pity,
feeling sorry for ourselves, poor me, negativism etc- indeed every fiber and
cell of these villains continuously, unceasingly, incessantly,
unrelentlessly [eradicated, purged, cleansed, purified, sanctified, truly
let go of -whole heartedly, single mindedly and completely and permanently.

It is very, very difficult for us to obtain and retain top contractors.
Contractors who are both persons of strong integrity, honesty, and truly
adept craftsmen in their respective fields, and willing to be very, very
fair and reasonable in pricing their services. The following men are of
incredible personal character. Please support these intentions with
community prayer.

1) that Todd of Stonehedge Landscaping quickly, quickly gives us a very,
very, very reasonable estimate for the yard work and very, very, very
quickly takes care of and handles the entire project - he is a good man and
works for a most wonderful landscaping company of very high quality- that
his entire family, all of his supervisors, managers ever more increasingly:
whole heartedly, single mindedly, enthusiastically, with an ever deepening,
abiding: joyfulness, joyousness, joyfilledness, inner and interior peace and
quietude, absolute resolve - ever more increasingly powerfully encourage,
push, direct, drive - Todd to always work with us on whatever issues / jobs
that may arise.

2) that S.G. does the same in relation to the major renovations planned
for the kitchen - it is nearly 60 years old and now falling apart - we
desperately need his wisdom, guidance, directions, his expertise is
unparalleled and he is both a man of God and the fullness of the Faith - his
entire family being solidly in Christ's corner - which means he is
impeccable in terms of the quality, responsibility, care and trustworthiness
that he and his workmanship always radiates - please God and Mother Mary we
need his help to fully handle everything - please provide infinite vast
oceans of ever increasingly stronger, and more powerfull encouragement,
support from him and his entire family - truly generating infinite vast
oceans of ever increasing: single minded committedness, whole hearted
convictedness, boundless energy, zest, zeal, enthusiasm, exuberance, and
powerfull all abiding eternal: joyfulness, joyousness, inner and interior
peace and quietude from SG. And his entire family - driving him to always
and forever whole heartedly, single mindedly committ to fully handling all
of our home, house, needs / tasks, problems, issues - as they arise.

For infinite vast oceans, upon infinite vast oceans of almighty God's
awesome, wondrously magnificent, unrelenting, complete, permanent:
blessings, favors, wisdom, guidance, directions, constant and continuing:
help, assistance, ever increasing growth in clarity, depth, lucidity,
sharpness [of sightedness, sight, thinking, reasoning, knowledge, know how,
understanding] of God's most perfect, pristine: will, ways, plans, wisdom,
prudence + God's mighty healings of all forms and all manners: emotional,
psychological, spiritual, mental, biological, physiological + ever
increasing, unceasing, unrelenting growth in: life time conversions,
perfect, pristine contrition, ever deepening, genuine, sinceres: metanoia,
life long repentance, penintential and sacrificial living [that are always
and forever - genuine, sincere, pervasive, life giving, life enhancening,
life enrichening, life enlivening - in nature, quality, effect - for all of
these contractors [indeed for all contractors, service personnel in any kind
of significant relationship with us, including all members of their
immediate families [spouses, children, children in law, right thru their
great, great, great, great, great grand children and each and all of their
associated spouses-throughout their entire lives + all of their brothers,
sisters and each of their immediate families - in the very same way.

3) Please help us find the monetary donation that our good friend Jose' has
made to our fraternity - I can't find it - the treasurer was absent and it
fell to me.

4) Trying to find my Norelco shaver's rotary blade mechanism that I had put
aside while waiting for the main body of the unit to be repaired. Totally
at a loss as to where I put this thing. This would be my emergency and
travel shaver. Thanks.

Chuck Haddad
Chuck Haddad

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